Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall…

The Holiday Season.  Christmastime.  Year’s end.

It is a time for joy and being grateful.  Happiness and sharing with others.  Giving and loving.  Really, things which should, and could, be done twelve months of the year…but we tend to focus on this time of year for some reason.

It is also a time for reflection.  Again, on the past year’s events.  Personal challenges.  Financial issues.   Professional growth.  Relationships nurtured, developed, new ones, old ones, family and friends.  Losses and gains.  Smiles and tears.   So much in 52 weeks.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  What one person sees as a curse, a more optimistic person might view it as a blessing.  Who’s to say?

So you reflect on what is important to you.  In your life.  What makes a difference in “who you are”…how you live your life and how it affects others.  In 2010 I wrote a post that said…”I have given my life to become the person I am today.  Was it worth it?”

Perhaps that question should be asked at the end of each day.

When you reflect on the past, it becomes a slippery slope.  You can’t change it.  You can grow from it.  If…

…you desire and you see things the way they really are.  And sometimes we don’t.  We see them as we want to see them.  Our point of view.   Although it may be an accurate way to see things, others may view them differently.   Now you have two (at least two) differing perceptions on the same topic/actions, and both may be correct…

We all see things differently.  Good.  Bad.  Ugly.  Doesn’t matter. 

I guess the big difference is how you react to those things, and individuals in your life.  Sometimes it is how you respond, not react. 

Chances are, we have this challenge each day.   We see things differently than others.  Our actions misinterpreted.  Words misunderstood. 

Consider how others think.  How they view you, your actions, your words.  Compromise?  Maybe.  But sometimes we need to compromise.  We need to re-evaluate.  Reconsider the important things in our life.  Make sure we reflect on those things and give them the attention deserved.

Sometimes others just view us differently than we view ourselves.

Enjoy your life.  Enjoy those in your life.  Enjoy being you and all the wonderful things about being you that no one else can see…

Published in: on December 6, 2011 at 5:17 pm  Comments (1)  
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  1. Great Blog post. I am going to bookmark and read more often. I love the Blog template


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